Suite of Tests Required by OMMA
Compliance Suite for Dried/Cured and Fresh/Frozen Harvest Batches.
Flower--10 grams of product
(5g - Test Sample / 5g Retention Sample)
Includes all assays as required per OMMA regulations.
Compliance Suite for Concentrates and other Production Batch A products.
Solid Concentrate--10 grams of product
(5g - Test Sample / 5g Retention Sample)
Liquid Concentrate--5 grams of product
(5g - Test Sample / 5g Retention Sample)
Edible--1 packaged unit (>10 grams)
Topical-- 1 packaged unit (>10 grams)
Includes all assays as required per OMMA regulations.
**Turn Around Time starts the first business day after sample is received. Samples that arrive at the lab after 2 pm are considered to be received the following business day.
Suite of Tests for Patients' Homegrows
4 business day turn around
Includes Cannabanoid Potency, Terpenes, Microbial Panel, and Moisture Content
*Patient License required at drop off. Not for compliance or commercial purposes.
R&D Potency and Terpenes Only
Potency of 11 major cannabanoids quantified by HPLC/UV and Potency of 22 major terpenes quantified by HS-GC/MS
For R&D Potency Only
Potency of 11 major cannabanoids quantified by HPLC/UV
Single Tests Performed on an As Need Basis
Potency of 11 major cannabanoids quantified by HPLC/UV
Potency of 22 major terpenes quantified by GC/MS
OMMA-Required Microbial Panel analyzed by plating.
Quantification of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury by ICP/MS
Quantification of OMMA-required pesticides by LC/MS/MS
Quantification of OMMA-required Mycotoxins by ELISA
Quantification of OMMA-required solvents by HS-GC/MS
Measures a product's propensity to mold
Close visual inspection of product under microscope
Determines the percent of a product's weight that is made up by water
simple. accurate. results.